Welcome to CHINESE TALES...

We all love stories, enjoy tales, and appreciate the wisdom behind the legends...

This blog is full of Chinese stories, tales, and myth that sometimes can tease your fantasies and imaginations.

The stories presented here are simple, easy to grasp and fun. They can be your or your children bedtime stories :)

Chinese culture has rich tales, stories, myth, legends that reflect chinese people's ways of thinking, things they value and respect, and morals...

Anyway stories are fun to read...
Please Enjoy....

Chinese Anecdote : Wait for The Second Luck

Once in the Song Kingdom there was a farmer, he always wished all good things would by chance fall in front of him. One day he was working in the fields when a wild rabbit ran headlong into a wooden post, snapped its neck, and died. He happily bent and picked it up thinking, "If I can find a rabbit every day like this, I won't ever need to farm again." So he discarded his hoe and everyday sat by the wooden post and hoped for another stroke of luck like the first.

Days past - but he had no such luck, and more and more people ridiculed this foolish man.

Sometimes opportunities and good fortune incidentally befall us, but we must not always rely on them. Good fortune is to be appreciated, not expected. If you want success you must rely on your own hard work.

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